Dorogi Erőmű Kft. supplies approximately 1,322 apartments and 21 public institutions with district heat in Dorog, as well as another 2,262 apartments and 10 public institutions in Esztergom. The amount of heat sold is almost 88 thousand GJ in Dorog, while in the case of Esztergom this number is 163 thousand GJ. In addition to the population, the power plant also supplies Gedeon Richter Nyrt.'s Dorog factory and a laundry with steam.
In recent years, several successful investments have been made in the power plant. Pursuant to the agreement reached in 2011 between the power plant and SARPI Dorog Kft., which operates a hazardous waste incinerator operating in the city limits, the power plant receives steam from the environmental plant, taking advantage of the synergies existing in the operation of the two facilities, which operate just a few hundred meters from each other, thanks to which Dorog is an environmental its indicators became much more favorable.
Among Veolia's medium-term goals is the elimination of coal burning by 2025. Due to this, the coal-biomass-fired boiler of the Dorog power plant has not been in operation since March 2020, thereby improving the emission values of the power plant. Energy is produced with gas boilers, but the coal-biomass boiler is still available as a backup.
In 2021, the power plant started several large-scale projects to increase energy efficiency, the implementation of which is expected in the years 2021−2023. The development will significantly improve the power plant's energy production efficiency and, related to this, its environmental protection indicators, thus contributing to sustainable development.
Regional Director for Central Hungary: Attila Vollár