Szazhalombatta heating plant
The heating plant with a nominal output of 25.2 MW supplies 4,200 apartments with thermal energy. Of this capacity, 21 MW is currently tied up for the heat supply of the population. The remaining capacity also enables the supply of industrial consumers. The amount of heat sold is more than 215 thousand GJ.

Tata heating plant
Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt. has been operating the heating plant since 2012. The facility serves 1,802 apartments and 106 apartments. The amount of heat sold is more than 71 thousand GJ. In the spirit of sustainable energy management, heat and domestic hot water are provided in Tata primarily with the help of biomass consisting of agricultural by-products.

Ajka heating plant
From January 1, 2021, BAKONY-TÁVHŐ Kft., a subsidiary of Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt., will provide district heating services to 6,950 apartments and 505 other users. The amount of heat sold is more than 300 thousand GJ. In the spirit of sustainable energy management, heat and domestic hot water are provided with the help of biomass - primarily an agricultural by-product.

Dorog heating plant
The heating plant in Esztergom and Dorog provides district heating services to 3,467 apartments and 24 public institutions. The amount of heat sold is more than 194 thousand GJ. In the spirit of sustainable energy management, heat and domestic hot water are provided with the help of biomass - primarily an agricultural by-product.

Salgótarján heating plant
The Salgótarján heating plant supplies 4,194 apartments and 316 institutions in the city with district heat. The peak heat output demand of the district heating district is 25 MW, the annual total thermal energy sold is around 240,000-280,000 GJ.
A biomass boiler with a capacity of 3 MW also participates in the district heating, with a heat production of approximately 40,000 GJ, which is 15% of the total district heating. The rest of the heat demand is produced with gas boilers and gas engines.