On September 9, 2022, CHP-Invest Kft. and Újpalotai Energia Kft., belonging to the Hungarian Veolia group, took over the assets of the Oroszlányi Erőmű Zrt., which is currently in a conserved state and has been shut down, from Vértesi Erőmű Zrt., owned by MVM Zrt.
Vértesi Erőmű Zrt. Oroszlányi Erőmű is Hungary's 5th largest coal- and biomass-fired power plant, which has been out of service since December 31, 2015. The goal of the new owner is to renovate and modernize the power plant, then re-commission it on the basis of mixed fuel, mainly biomass and, to a lesser extent, selected waste (SRF) that can no longer be used in its material, but prepared for energy purposes. As part of the development, the previously coal- and biomass-fired power plant blocks will be converted to 2 x 50 MW electrical output based on the burning of available biomass that can be supplied from the surrounding area.
The development greatly contributes to the fulfillment of Hungary's international obligations in the area of the use of renewable energy sources (+0.6%), the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, and also serves the fulfillment of the objectives of job creation (200 direct and 250-300 at suppliers), sustainability and innovation.
The power plant is expected to start operating again at the beginning of 2024.